Darrell T. Moon
Make Healthcare Work For You
Healthcare is often the second-highest cost of doing business, yet many CEOs find themselves paying more each year for diminishing returns. What if there was a way to slash these costs while offering better benefits to your employees?
Aspirational healthcare offers a proven, transformative, and sustainable approach that’s easy for CEOs to implement and monitor through a dashboard. This isn’t just another Band-Aid solution—it’s modeled after the internationally acclaimed Nuka System of Care in Alaska. For over 20 years, Nuka has set the gold standard for patient satisfaction and reduced costs, achieving what seemed impossible: a healthcare system that genuinely works for its customers at half the cost.
As a CEO, you hold the power to revolutionize how healthcare works for your organization. By adopting aspirational healthcare, you can take control of healthcare spending, offer superior benefits, and foster a healthier, more productive workforce.
It’s time to break free from the broken U.S. healthcare system. Discover how you can lead this change, providing your team with the benefits they deserve while achieving dramatic cost savings. Learn how to control your company’s financial destiny and the well-being of your employees and their families.

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About Darrell T. Moon
Darrell Moon is a healthcare innovator and founder of Orriant, dedicated to helping people improve their relationship with healthcare. His hospital administration experience enabled him to recognize the inefficiencies of the U.S. healthcare system, and he set out to develop solutions.
Inspired by the Nuka System of Care, Darrell founded Orriant and Aspirational Healthcare, helping companies adopt strategies that enhance employee health and satisfaction while reducing organizational costs.

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